A downloadable game for Windows

This is an incomplete game, made more as a test of concept rather than a full game.

This is meant to be played locally across Windows machines.

One computer clicks the server button and gives their ip to the other people for them to connect to.

Then it works as a normal FPS game.

I was unable to get the payload and the spawning system to work so the payload stays still and everyone spawns in the middle.

It was originally meant to be a protect the president style game mode where an assassin attempted to kill a president while the body guards tried to kill the assassin and protect the president.

Due to time limitations, I was unable to finish the project and this was what i turned in. The map was meant to have geometry and such, the payload was meant to move, and a couple of other things that I couldn't get to due to spending most of the time getting the multiplayer to work. 

This was created as a project for my high school CS class. 

Documentation for the class: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18HbmwRhQuncDehmfwcaA7QxSXs4RFRwyWgQa-WqxYu0/...


3D multiplayer.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the zip file and run the exe

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